Lana offers a unique combination session that includes both massage and a reading. During this session Lana often provides insights into the root cause of challenges in the life of her client. These challenges may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in nature.
From time to time one of her girl friends will treat a boy friend to a massage with Lana. Wbile this tends to leave a lasting impression, there is an ulterior motive involved. Lana not only provides a massage, but also reads her client and reports back to her friend, helping her to have a deeper understand about this new person in her life.
Additional information is often made available to Lana when she doesn’t expect it, and this may happen during a massage. In fact it is not uncommon for her massage clients to be joined by one of their departed loved ones, and often the messages Lana provides in this situtation can be even more healing to her cleint than the actual massage itself.