It Could Change in a SecondOur body reacts to our emotions, so to lower your blood pressure remember, “Don’t React”.  When something happens the best thing to do is take the time to understand it, don’t just react to it. The fact is you cannot control what other people say or do, but you can control how you react to it. Stand in your power and avoid allowing others to push your buttons, no matter what they may say or do. It Could Change in a Second.

Going from 0 to 90 in a sec raises your blood pressure and staying calm keeps the blood pressure at an even keel. On the other hand, not reacting but just taking it all in, knowing that all things work out as they should, will allow you to remain calm and perhaps even lower your blood pressure.

It Could Change in a Second

Stay calm no matter how bad things look, it could change in a second. Remember life is like Texas weather, if you don’t like it, wait a second. It can all change in a second and go from the storms of hell to a hot sunny day. So it’s your choice and if you choose not to react then you can breath deep knowing it could all change any second. Remain calm before, during and after the storm.

Also remember this about your loved ones, spend time with them and tell them you love them every chance you get for they could be gone in a second and there need not be any regrets if time was spent. Have an awesome day and breath it in, go ahead take a deep breath now and remember you can relax even if the shit is hitting the fan, just laugh and enjoy the show. It could change in a second.